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Wysłany: Sob 1:48, 14 Gru 2013
Temat postu:
"oh man,
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, a nearby snack bar have a lingering fear of female shopkeeper said: "the message is too big,
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noon, collapse suddenly appeared at a construction site, a great noise disturbed some diners near the hotel. Some are eating diners might once again triggered landslides, have dropped out of the hotel.
noon, collapse suddenly appeared at a construction site, a great noise disturbed some diners near the hotel. Some are eating diners might once again triggered landslides, have dropped out of the hotel.
April 22nd 14 am, reporters came to the commercial city side near a construction site. At this time, the site of some of the construction personnel and people are responsible for site outside talk just happened. In the northeast corner of the site, a 30 m long wall collapsed,
, the site to build walls of protection,
, protection board, warning flags some construction and identification of all fell within the site. Beside the tarmac, a 50 meter long cracks, the cracks were still dangerous to continue to cause road surface collapse.
in the scene, the reporter saw an operator site. According to its introduction, the main reasons of this situation, may be the collapse area sewer,
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, eventually lead to road collapse, disaster site wall: "fortunately, since the incident in the noon, no workers in the nearby construction, so no one was injured."
after the incident, the site responsible person immediately reported to higher authorities. At present,
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, the cause of the accident is still under investigation.
"at that time, my home has a few tables of guests are eating, site appears after the collapse, the guests are afraid to continue to collapse, caused the hotel collapsed, all run out,
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, didn't check." The landlady said: "it seems that this business do not go on, all the way, who would dare to eat here."
"this section of the road on the first day there are cracks, happen sooner or later,
, when my family there are two tables of guests for dinner, after away." Another nearby snack bar of the female shop owner said, on the day before, they found the road cracks, and the cracks are more and more wide, was aware that the subgrade may be an accident: "really did not expect to happen, according to this view, if the site does not take any measures, this section of the road is likely to collapse."
according to her introduction,
, events occurred at about twelve forty on that day, when she was greeting guests for dinner,
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, I heard a bang bang, hotel ground appear vibration, when she came out to see, found that the construction site fence in front of the hotel collapsed in a large section of asphalt, but also about 10 centimeters wide the rift.
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A year in Huludao seized nearly 700000 yuan worth of pensions
Tieling metro area
Lunar New Year’s Eve, on January 30, is to be excluded from next year’s national holidays, a major disappointment for many people as the eve of the Spring Festival is actually the most important time for family reunions.
According to a decision signed by Premier Li Keqiang, the 7-day Lunar New Year or Spring Festival holiday will start on January 31 with January 26 (a Sunday) and February 8 (a Saturday) working days because these days will be “borrowed.”
The week-long celebration is made up of three official days plus two weekends and two borrowed days.
The Lunar New Year’s Eve had been included in the official three-day break since 2007.
Meanwhile, January 1, a Wednesday, is to be a day off to mark the beginning of 2014.
The April 5 Qingming Festival is on a Saturday, and the following Monday will be an additional day off to make up a 3-day break.
The Dragon Boat Festival (June 2) and Mid-Autumn Festival (September
are also 3-day breaks because both fall on a Monday.
Wysłany: Śro 22:49, 11 Gru 2013
Temat postu: Doivent essayer tendance
Doivent essayer tendance
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